Sunday, 11 May 2008

Debt on our Doorstep network launched in Knowsley

Following a successful event in February, agencies in Knowsley have now established a local Debt on our Doorstep campaign network. The campaign will initially focus on payday lending activities in the area, but they also report the remarkable development that United Utilities in their area will be using Brighthouse, instead of the post office, for people to pay their bills from 1st August onwards!

We wish the Knowsley network every success in their campaigns and welcome similar moves to establish local Debt on our Doorstep campaigns in other areas. If you are interested please contact us

Credit in Crisis - Why we need Banking for People

A major international conference on the credit crisis and its implications for consumers will be taking place in London on 13th - 14th November 2008 at the New Connaught Rooms, Covent Garden.

The conference is supported by the European Coalition for Responsible Credit, US partners the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, and UK agencies the Centre for Economic and Social Inclusion ('Inclusion') and Debt on our Doorstep and sponsorship from Citibank.

The organisation of the conference is being handled by Inclusion, and further details of the programme and booking arrangements will be available shortly.