Global Coalition for Responsible Credit calls on G20 leaders to create a financial system ‘worth saving’
Debt on our Doorstep, with support in the UK from the trade unions UNITE and PCS, the New Economics Foundation, Church Action on Poverty, the National Housing Federation, and former Cabinet Minister and Chair of the Labour Party Ian McCartney M.P, and with the support of a Global Coalition for Responsible Credit comprising the European Coalition for Responsible Credit, the U.S National Community Reinvestment Coalition, and partners in twenty other countries, today issued a call for the forthcoming meeting of the G20 to commit itself to the creation of a financial system that is worth saving by:
Chair of Debt on our Doorstep, Damon Gibbons, commented:
“Financial services providers have engaged in irresponsible and usurious lending, causing households to become increasingly vulnerable to economic shocks and saddling them with unsustainable levels of debt. We call on the G20 to signal a decisive break with the short termism, greed, and irresponsibility that have caused the current crisis and to take action to ensure that taxpayer investment in the banking system is now used to create a system that benefits people.”
Supporting the work of the Global Coalition, Andy Case, a National Secretary for Unite, the UK’s largest trade union with 2 million members, including 178,000 working in the Finance Sector, said:
“The current situation provides an opportunity to re-build a financial system that supports a long-term outlook and is consistent with democratic aims, financial stability and social justice."