Early Day Motion on Home Credit Market
Debt on our Doorstep is calling on all supporters to lobby their MP's to support an Early Day Motion (EDM number 379) put down by Ian McCartney M.P on the Home Credit Market.
The EDM, which has already attracted over 50 signatures, reads:
That this House notes the ongoing lack of price competition in the home credit market and the devastating impact that high cost credit is having on the poorest communities as reported by Channel 4's Dispatches programme on 7 December 2009; further notes that the Competition Commission's remedies for this market have not had any impact since its inquiry into the home credit market in 2006; further notes that Provident Financial now charges £82 for every £100 lent, which is 26 per cent. higher than was reported three years ago; further notes that Provident now have an estimated 70 per cent. of the market and that the `unfair credit relationship' test introduced by the Consumer Credit Act 2006 has not led to a single instance of prices being lowered; believes that urgent and effective action is now required to help low income borrowers obtain credit at a fair price; and calls on the Government to provide the Office of Fair Trading with a power to cap prices in non-competitive areas of the credit market, or the Competition Commission to immediately review its remedies for the home credit market and or the Financial Services Authority to introduce a rule requiring banks to demonstrate how they are helping to expand access to affordable credit, for example by partnering with credit unions.
Supporters are urged to write to their M.P's asking them to sign up to the EDM. The list of current signatories can be found at http://edmi.parliament.uk/EDMi/EDMDetails.aspx?EDMID=39940&SESSION=903