Thursday, 30 July 2009

OFT publishes draft guidance to prevent irresponsible lending

Debt On Our Doorstep today welcomed the draft guidance on responsible lending published by the OFT.

Presenting his initial reactions to the document, Damon Gibbons, Chairman of Debt On Our Doorstep, commented:

“This draft guidance is a huge step forwards for consumers. If implemented as currently drafted it would require lenders to make a proper assessment of a borrower’s ability to repay prior to granting a loan. We know that at the moment many lenders fail to make effective checks before lending, preferring to trap people in a cycle of increased borrowing. In the long term this has devastating consequences for low income households and communities.

“The OFT is to be applauded by putting forward such robust proposals to deal with this problem and we look forward to working with them over the coming 12 week consultation period.”

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